Your appointment will be punctual, your provider will be professional, your concerns will be listened to, your questions will be answered.  Clinicians will review your medical history, and any cardiac problems, symptoms, medications, and perform a physical examination.  If you are unable to provide this information yourself — your family, caregiver, power of attorney, or someone you have delegated to help you can participate in the visit.  If necessary, blood draws, and additional diagnostic cardiovascular studies can be arranged to be performed in the home.

Expect to be treated as a respected and valued participant in your care. We will come up with a plan of care to best serve your individual concerns. We consider ourselves to be a guest in your home and will treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve.

Ponderosa Heart is contracted with many insurances provides such as Medicare, Medicaid, AHCCCS, United HealthCare, ​as well as many other others.  If preferred, a fee-for-service is available. Visit our insurance portion of our website for further information and please feel to contact us with any specific insurance questions.

Any medical emergency should be evaluated urgently by emergency medical services by calling 911.  Urgent visits and same-day appointments are available as necessary. Some cardiac conditions and emergency situations require additional diagnostic cardiovascular testing and invasive surgical procedures that are not suitable for the home-based environment. We can order and arrange such testing, procedures and treatment if medically necessary.